Bike rental access in Pittsburgh

This is an interactive Leaflet map of Healthy Ride access in Pittsburgh. It counts how many Healthy Ride stations are within a 10 minute bike ride of a given location.

Roughly Calculating Allegheny County Transit Efficiency

As part my work on transit lines in Allegheny County, I am interested in which transit lines are most efficient, in terms of residents and jobs served. This is possible with the Port Authority transit line datasets hosted on the WPRDC and data from the Census.

Visualizing Transit Connections Between Pittsburgh Census Tracts

In this post I will use transit line and stop data from the WPRDC to map connections between census tracts. I access the census data via {tidycensus}, which contains information about the commuter connections between census tracts.

How Many Pittsburghers Cross the River to Get to Work

This post focuses on how many rivers Pittsburghers cross to get to work. I use the U.S. Census Bureau LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) dataset to draw lines between “home” census tracts and “work” census tracts, and then count how many “commuter lines” intersect with the 3 main rivers in Pittsburgh.

Animating Growth of Allegheny County

In this post I will show how to create animated graphs that illustrate the increase in buildings in Allegheny County. One caveat about the data: it only includes parcels that were sold at some point.

Exploring 311 Data With PCA

Principal Component Analysis in R Principal Component Analysis is an unsupervised method that reduces the number of dimensions in a dataset and highlights where the data varies. We will use PCA to analyze the 311 dataset from the WPRDC.

R 311 Pothole Workshop Code for Pittsburgh

Goals Learn how R works Gain basic skills for exploratory analysis with R Learn something about local data and potholes! If we are successful, you should be able to hit the ground running on your own project with R