Healthy Ride

Bike rental access in Pittsburgh

This is an interactive Leaflet map of Healthy Ride access in Pittsburgh. It counts how many Healthy Ride stations are within a 10 minute bike ride of a given location.

Comparing Healthy Ride Usage Pre And "Post" COVID-19

Lawrence Andrews asked me on Twitter if there had been a change in Health Ride usage after COVID-19. Would be interested to see this @healthyridepgh data to compare pre-covid (2019) and during (2020) — Lawrence Andrews (@lawrenceandrews) August 13, 2020 The {tidyverts} universe of packages from Rob Hyndman provides a lot of tools that let you interrogate time series data.

Forecasting Healthy Ride Ridership With Prophet

This post is about predicting demand for the Healthy Ride bike system in Pittsburgh. I wanted to try out Facebook’s prophet package and try to do some time series forecasting.

Mapping Healthy Ride Data

This post is about mapping the Healthy Ride dataset in R. This is my third post about the Healthy Ride bike service in Pittsburgh. You can find the first post and second post on my blog.