options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE,
scipen = 999,
digits = 4)
This map shows the commuter patterns in the Northeast Megalopolis/Acela Corridor/BosWash metro area. I pulled the data from the Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LODES) system via the {lehdr}
package. The map was created through the tool, which makes interactive maps of movement between areas. also exposes a bunch of cool features, like animating and clustering connections, among others.
You can view a full version of the map here.
This code is what I used to query the LODES data and aggregate it. First, load the required libraries.
This code gets the main
and aux
LODES data for each state that I name in the states
object. I then combine the data into lodes_combined and check that there are no duplicate origin-destination pairs. Be warned that these files are large (100-500MB each), and can take a bit to read into R, depending on your machine.
#get lodes
<- c("pa", "wv", "va", "dc", "de",
states "md", "ny", "ri", "ct", "ma", "vt", "nh", "me")
<- grab_lodes(state = states, year = 2017,
lodes_od_main lodes_type = "od", job_type = "JT00",
segment = "S000", state_part = "main",
agg_geo = "county",
use_cache = TRUE) %>%
select(state, w_county, h_county, S000, year) %>%
rename(commuters = S000)
<- grab_lodes(state = states, year = 2017,
lodes_od_aux lodes_type = "od", job_type = "JT00",
segment = "S000", state_part = "aux",
agg_geo = "county",
use_cache = TRUE) %>%
select(state, w_county, h_county, S000, year) %>%
rename(commuters = S000)
<- bind_rows(lodes_od_main, lodes_od_aux) lodes_combined
This code pulls the geometry for the states from the TIGER shapefile API:
<- tigris::counties(state = c("PA", "NY", "NJ", "MD",
counties_combined "WV", "DE", "VA",
"DC", "MA", "CT", "VT",
"RI", "NH", "ME"),
cb = TRUE) %>%
arrange(STATEFP) %>%
left_join(fips_codes %>% distinct(state_code, state_name), by = c("STATEFP" = "state_code"))
counties_combined ggplot() +
geom_sf(aes(fill = state_name))
The next step is to calculate the centroid of each county that will be used in the final map.
<- counties_combined %>%
node_pos mutate(centroid = map(geometry, st_centroid),
x = map_dbl(centroid, 1),
y = map_dbl(centroid, 2)) %>%
select(GEOID, NAME, x, y) %>%
arrange(GEOID) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(-NAME) %>%
rename(lon = x,
lat = y) %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
select(id, GEOID, lat, lon)
Then I add the county and state name to the node positions so the name is intelligible.
<- node_pos %>%
node_pos left_join(st_drop_geometry(counties_combined), by = c("GEOID" = "GEOID")) %>%
mutate(county_name = str_c(NAME, "County", sep = " "),
name = str_c(county_name, state_name, sep = ", "))
<- node_pos %>%
node_pos select(id, name, lat, lon, GEOID)
Rows: 433
Columns: 5
$ id <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1…
$ name <chr> "Fairfield County, Connecticut", "Hartford County, Connecticut",…
$ lat <dbl> 41.27, 41.81, 41.79, 41.46, 41.41, 41.49, 41.86, 41.83, 39.09, 3…
$ lon <dbl> -73.39, -72.73, -73.25, -72.54, -72.93, -72.10, -72.34, -71.99, …
$ GEOID <chr> "09001", "09003", "09005", "09007", "09009", "09011", "09013", "…
This processes the LODES origin-destination data and creates the node-edge network graph object that will be fed into the service.
<- lodes_combined %>%
network_graph semi_join(counties_combined, by = c("w_county" = "GEOID")) %>%
semi_join(counties_combined, by = c("h_county" = "GEOID")) %>%
select(h_county, w_county, commuters) %>%
as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE) %>%
activate(edges) %>%
filter(commuters >= 500,
) activate(nodes) %>%
<- network_graph %>%
nodes activate(nodes) %>%
Rows: 433
Columns: 1
$ name <chr> "09001", "09003", "09005", "09007", "09009", "09011", "09013", "0…
<- network_graph %>%
edges activate(edges) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(origin = from,
dest = to,
count = commuters) %>%
Rows: 3,309
Columns: 3
$ origin <dbl> 128, 161, 121, 149, 61, 121, 138, 210, 112, 2, 127, 125, 138, 1…
$ dest <dbl> 128, 161, 128, 149, 61, 121, 128, 210, 112, 2, 127, 125, 138, 1…
$ count <dbl> 558308, 483764, 475073, 468885, 450975, 398535, 384941, 371075,…
Finally, this code checks that the node position data matches up with the nodes from the network object. If these checks fail, the origin-destination pairs will be mapped to the wrong geographic coordinates.
#check that nodes match up
all(node_pos$GEOID == nodes$name)
[1] TRUE
identical(node_pos$GEOID, nodes$name)
[1] TRUE
length(node_pos$GEOID) == length(nodes$name)
[1] TRUE
This code creates the metadata that requires and loads the data into Google Sheets.
<- c(
my_properties "title"="BosWash regional US commuter flow",
"description"="Miniumum 500 commuters per origin-destination pair",
""="2017 US Census LODES",
""="Conor Tompkins",
"flows.sheets" = "flows",
<- tibble(property=names(my_properties)) %>%
properties mutate(value=my_properties[property])
<- gs4_create("lodes_flowmapblue", sheets = list(properties = properties,
ss locations = node_pos,
flows = edges))
The final step is to allow the Google Sheet to be read by anyone with the link, and copy the Sheet’s link to