<- theme_bw() +
custom_theme theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title = element_text(size = 18))
options(scipen = 999, digits = 4)
This material was presented at Code & Supply on 2024-11-07
Time Series Forecasting in R
What is time series forecasting?
Time series forecasting is the practice of making predictions about the future value of some quantitative variable.
Predictive accuracy is typically the focus, not inference for understanding underlying causes.
What is a time series?
Data collected about a quantitative variable sequentially over time.
Customer demand for a company’s product
Electricity usage
Stock price
Network latency
Pothole reports
What is a time series
::vic_elec |>
tsibbledataas_tibble() |>
mutate(day = date(Time)) |>
group_by(day) |>
summarize(max_demand = max(Demand)) |>
as_tsibble(index = day) |>
autoplot() +
labs(title = "Peak daily electricity demand in Victoria, Australia",
y = "Peak demand (MWh)",
x = "Date") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma_format())
What can be forecasted?
Key questions:
Do we understand the underlying process that creates the time series (data generating process)?
Is historical data is available?
Will the future be similar to the past?
Will the forecast affect the thing we are trying to forecast?
- Feedback loop
What can be forecasted?
Feedback loops AKA “efficient market hypothesis”
“How much will it rain tomorrow”
“How much rain will fall on you tomorrow”
Why forecast?
Knowing more about the future means we can make better decisions today.
Typically related to resource allocation.
Forecast horizons
Short term
- What will the peak demand for electricity be in the next hour?
Medium term
- What will customer demand for flowers be next Valentine’s Day?
Long term
- What will future demand for a company’s products be given changing population trends across geography?
Typical regression model
Pothole reports as a function of explanatory variables
~ year + month + weather + public_works_budget + error pothole_reports
Time series model
Future value of pothole complaints as a function of the previous values of pothole complaints (plus explanatory variables)
pothole_reports(t+1) ~ pothole_reports(t) + pothole_reports(t-1) + ... + error
Why use time series models?
Time series models can typically handle autocorrelation in the data.
are correlatedThis can cause correlated error in regression models
Forecasting Process
Exploratory data analysis
Model selection
Evaluate forecast accuracy
Code walkthrough
311 data from Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
#read in pothole data
<- read_csv("post_data/wprdc_311_2024_10_20.csv") |>
report_data clean_names() |>
mutate(create_date = yearmonth(create_date_et)) |>
rename(request_type = request_type_name)
Data structure
Time series table data structure:
Measured variable:
#create basic tsibble
<- report_data |>
pothole_df filter(request_type == "Potholes") |>
summarize(report_count = n(),
.by = c(create_date, request_type)) |>
ungroup() |>
filter(year(create_date) >= 2016) |>
as_tsibble(key = request_type, index = create_date)
# A tsibble: 106 x 3 [1M]
# Key: request_type [1]
create_date request_type report_count
<mth> <chr> <int>
1 2016 Jan Potholes 208
2 2016 Feb Potholes 574
3 2016 Mar Potholes 936
4 2016 Apr Potholes 732
5 2016 May Potholes 789
6 2016 Jun Potholes 723
7 2016 Jul Potholes 554
8 2016 Aug Potholes 516
9 2016 Sep Potholes 357
10 2016 Oct Potholes 313
# ℹ 96 more rows
Exploratory data analysis
Exploratory data analysis
Seasonal plot shows each year across months
Exploratory data analysis
Seasonal subseries plot shows each month across years
gg_subseries(pothole_df) +
facet_wrap(vars(month(create_date, label = TRUE)), ncol = 3)
Exploratory data analysis
Time series decomposition
<- pothole_df |>
dcmp model(stl = STL(report_count, robust = TRUE))
<- components(dcmp)
Exploratory data analysis
<- dcmp_components |>
outliers filter(remainder < quantile(remainder, 0.25) - 3*IQR(remainder) |
> quantile(remainder, 0.75) + 3*IQR(remainder))
pothole_df ggplot(aes(create_date, report_count)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = outliers, color = "red")
Train/test split
You always want to validate a model’s performance with data it hasn’t seen already. This analysis uses the last 20% of observations as test data.
<- pothole_df |>
data_test slice_tail(prop = .2)
<- pothole_df |>
data_train anti_join(data_test, by = "create_date")
Model types
NAIVE: play the last value forward over the forecast horizon
SNAIVE: play the last seasonal value forward
MEAN: take the average of the entire series and play it forward
- Use
to apply a window for rolling averages
- Use
Model types
TSLM*: fit a linear model along the
- Use
to add dummy variables for seasonal effects
- Use
ETS: exponential smoothing
- Use a weighted average based on the recency of the observations
ARIMA*: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
automatically determines optimal model parameters (PDQ, seasonal PDQ)AKA “autoarima”
You can also manually set these
More available in
* These models can use exogenous variables to capture additional information
P: number of autoregressive terms
D: number of differences required to make it stationary
Q: number of lagged forecast errors
Fit models
Fit models on training data
<- data_train |>
model_df model(naive = NAIVE(log(report_count + 1)),
naive_seasonal = SNAIVE(log(report_count + 1)),
mean = MEAN(log(report_count + 1)),
mean_moving_6 = MEAN(log(report_count + 1), window = 6),
lm = TSLM(log(report_count + 1) ~ trend()),
lm_seasonal = TSLM(log(report_count + 1) ~ trend() + season()),
arima = ARIMA(log(report_count + 1)),
ets = ETS(log(report_count + 1)))
Transformations of target variable are automatically reversed in fable::forecast
Fit models
Rows: 1
Columns: 9
Key: request_type [1]
$ request_type <chr> "Potholes"
$ naive <model> [NAIVE]
$ naive_seasonal <model> [SNAIVE]
$ mean <model> [MEAN]
$ mean_moving_6 <model> [MEAN]
$ lm <model> [TSLM]
$ lm_seasonal <model> [TSLM]
$ arima <model> [ARIMA(1,0,2)(2,1,0)[12]]
$ ets <model> [ETS(M,N,A)]
Model summary
Inspect model
model_df select(arima) |>
Series: report_count
Model: ARIMA(1,0,2)(2,1,0)[12]
Transformation: log(report_count + 1)
ar1 ma1 ma2 sar1 sar2
0.9608 -0.3667 -0.2622 -0.6048 -0.7281
s.e. 0.0360 0.1566 0.1544 0.0931 0.0953
sigma^2 estimated as 0.1867: log likelihood=-49.7
AIC=111.4 AICc=112.7 BIC=125.1
Evaluate fit on training data
Plot forecast vs. training data
model_df select(ets) |>
augment() |>
ggplot(aes(x = create_date)) +
geom_line(aes(y = report_count, color = "observed"), lwd = 1) +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "prediction"), lwd = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("observed" = "black", "prediction" = "orange")) +
labs(title = "ETS model",
color = NULL) +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 16))
Forecast on test data
Make forecast from fit models onto test data
<- forecast(model_df, data_test) pothole_fc
# A fable: 168 x 5 [1M]
# Key: request_type, .model [8]
request_type .model create_date report_count .mean
<chr> <chr> <mth> <dist> <dbl>
1 Potholes naive 2023 Feb t(N(6.1, 0.39)) 521.
2 Potholes naive 2023 Mar t(N(6.1, 0.77)) 606.
3 Potholes naive 2023 Apr t(N(6.1, 1.2)) 690.
4 Potholes naive 2023 May t(N(6.1, 1.5)) 774.
5 Potholes naive 2023 Jun t(N(6.1, 1.9)) 859.
6 Potholes naive 2023 Jul t(N(6.1, 2.3)) 943.
7 Potholes naive 2023 Aug t(N(6.1, 2.7)) 1027.
8 Potholes naive 2023 Sep t(N(6.1, 3.1)) 1112.
9 Potholes naive 2023 Oct t(N(6.1, 3.5)) 1196.
10 Potholes naive 2023 Nov t(N(6.1, 3.9)) 1280.
# ℹ 158 more rows
Accuracy metrics
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
- On average, how far off the forecast is from the actual observed value
Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)
Measures how well the forecast distribution fits the test data
“skill” measures CRPS compared to a naive benchmark model
Others available in
Forecast accuracy
Evaluate forecast accuracy based on full time series
<- pothole_fc |>
fc_acc accuracy(pothole_df,
measures = list(point_accuracy_measures,
distribution_accuracy_measures, skill_crps = skill_score(CRPS))) |>
rename(rmse = RMSE) |>
select(request_type, .model, .type, skill_crps, rmse) |>
Forecast accuracy
# A tibble: 8 × 5
request_type .model .type skill_crps rmse
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Potholes lm_seasonal Test 0.689 162.
2 Potholes arima Test 0.635 206.
3 Potholes lm Test 0.596 175.
4 Potholes ets Test 0.305 377.
5 Potholes mean Test 0.253 384.
6 Potholes mean_moving_6 Test 0.253 384.
7 Potholes naive_seasonal Test 0.129 595.
8 Potholes naive Test -1.01 1231.
Plot forecast
Plot forecast vs. test data
<- fc_acc |>
model_acc pull(.model)
<- pothole_fc |>
pothole_fc mutate(.model = factor(.model, levels = model_acc))
pothole_fc mutate(.model = factor(.model, levels = model_acc)) |>
filter(.model %in% model_acc[1:3]) |>
autoplot(data = pothole_df |> filter(year(create_date) >= 2021)) +
facet_wrap(vars(.model), ncol = 1) +
guides(fill_ramp = "none",
fill = "none",
color = "none") +
labs(title = "Forecasts of top 3 models",
subtitle = "Sorted descending by accuracy") +
theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 14))
Refit and forecast
Refit top model on entire time series and make a true 12 month forecast
<- pothole_df |>
final_model model(lm_seasonal = TSLM(log(report_count + 1) ~ trend() + season()))
final_model forecast(h = 12) |>
autoplot(pothole_df |> filter(year(create_date) >= 2021)) +
labs(title = "Final 12 month forecast of pothole reports",
x = "Report create date",
y = "Report count")
automatically builds out a new dataframe of the specified horizon with the trend()
and season()
Material adapted from Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed) by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos
Values of report_count
are correlated across time
ACF(pothole_df) |>
Partial autocorrelation measures correlation between gapped lags of report_count
, accounting for the relationship between the intermediate lags
PACF(pothole_df) |>
Create multiple train/test sets with rolling origins
<- stretch_tsibble(pothole_df, .step = 6, .init = 24) pothole_cv
# A tsibble: 882 x 4 [1M]
# Key: .id, request_type [14]
create_date request_type report_count .id
<mth> <chr> <int> <int>
1 2016 Jan Potholes 208 1
2 2016 Feb Potholes 574 1
3 2016 Mar Potholes 936 1
4 2016 Apr Potholes 732 1
5 2016 May Potholes 789 1
6 2016 Jun Potholes 723 1
7 2016 Jul Potholes 554 1
8 2016 Aug Potholes 516 1
9 2016 Sep Potholes 357 1
10 2016 Oct Potholes 313 1
# ℹ 872 more rows
Time series features
<- report_data |>
report_df summarize(report_count = n(),
.by = c(create_date, request_type)) |>
ungroup() |>
filter(year(create_date) >= 2016) |>
as_tsibble(key = request_type, index = create_date)
<- report_df |>
top_request_type as_tibble() |>
summarize(report_count = sum(report_count),
.by = c(request_type)) |>
slice_max(n = 12, order_by = report_count)
<- report_df |>
report_df_top12 semi_join(top_request_type, by = "request_type")
report_df_top12 mutate(request_type = fct_reorder(request_type, report_count, sum, .desc = TRUE)) |>
autoplot() +
facet_wrap(vars(request_type), scales = "free_y") +
guides(color = "none") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))
Time series features
<- report_df_top12 |>
report_features features(report_count, feature_set(pkgs = "feasts"))
report_features slice_head(n = 1) |>
Rows: 1
Columns: 49
$ request_type <chr> "Abandoned Vehicle (parked on street)"
$ trend_strength <dbl> 0.3949
$ seasonal_strength_year <dbl> 0.3865
$ seasonal_peak_year <dbl> 8
$ seasonal_trough_year <dbl> 0
$ spikiness <dbl> 2158
$ linearity <dbl> 160.7
$ curvature <dbl> -42.04
$ stl_e_acf1 <dbl> 0.1834
$ stl_e_acf10 <dbl> 0.1054
$ acf1 <dbl> 0.5248
$ acf10 <dbl> 0.4291
$ diff1_acf1 <dbl> -0.2125
$ diff1_acf10 <dbl> 0.07291
$ diff2_acf1 <dbl> -0.5601
$ diff2_acf10 <dbl> 0.3479
$ season_acf1 <dbl> 0.0387
$ pacf5 <dbl> 0.2901
$ diff1_pacf5 <dbl> 0.1979
$ diff2_pacf5 <dbl> 0.6507
$ season_pacf <dbl> -0.1747
$ zero_run_mean <dbl> 0
$ nonzero_squared_cv <dbl> 0.06562
$ zero_start_prop <dbl> 0
$ zero_end_prop <dbl> 0
$ lambda_guerrero <dbl> -0.8999
$ kpss_stat <dbl> 0.4661
$ kpss_pvalue <dbl> 0.04931
$ pp_stat <dbl> -5.633
$ pp_pvalue <dbl> 0.01
$ ndiffs <int> 1
$ nsdiffs <int> 0
$ bp_stat <dbl> 29.19
$ bp_pvalue <dbl> 0.00000006553
$ lb_stat <dbl> 30.03
$ lb_pvalue <dbl> 0.00000004261
$ var_tiled_var <dbl> 1.133
$ var_tiled_mean <dbl> 0.2935
$ shift_level_max <dbl> 109.2
$ shift_level_index <dbl> 63
$ shift_var_max <dbl> 11807
$ shift_var_index <dbl> 70
$ shift_kl_max <dbl> 6.258
$ shift_kl_index <dbl> 69
$ spectral_entropy <dbl> 0.927
$ n_crossing_points <int> 40
$ longest_flat_spot <int> 5
$ coef_hurst <dbl> 0.9206
$ stat_arch_lm <dbl> 0.1287
Time series features
Principal Component Analysis
<- report_features |>
pcs select(-request_type, -contains("zero")) |>
prcomp(scale = TRUE) |>
pcs ggplot(aes(x = .fittedPC1, y = .fittedPC2, col = request_type)) +
geom_point() +
geom_label_repel(aes(label = request_type)) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.2, .2))) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(.2, .2))) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
guides(color = "none")