Analyzing Commuter Patterns in Allegheny County

Allegheny County

Conor Tompkins


November 11, 2019

Note: high-res images of the main graphs from this post are available here, here, here, and here.

In this post I will use networks plots to analyze patterns of commuters in Allegheny County. I use the LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) dataset provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. This dataset contains summarized and anonymized estimate data regarding where people live and work. I use this data to map where Allegheny County residents live and work.

In my analysis I use many of the standard tidyverse packages, sf, tidygraph, and ggraph.


The first step is to read in the geographies crosswalk and the census tract geographies.

geo_crosswalk <- read_csv("post_data/pa_xwalk.csv.gz", col_types = cols(.default = "c"))

allegheny_tracts <- get_decennial(geography = "tract",
                                  variables = c(total_pop = "P001001"),
                                  state = "PA",
                                  county = "Allegheny County",
                                  geometry = TRUE,
                                  output = "wide",
                                  year = 2010)

st_erase <- function(x, y) {
  st_difference(x, st_union(st_combine(y)))

rivers <- area_water("PA", "Allegheny", class = "sf")

This shows the outlines of the tracts used in the analysis.

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot() +

The crosswalk file contains keys to join a variety of geographies.

# A tibble: 421,545 × 43
   tabblk2010    st    stusps stname cty   ctyname trct  trctname bgrp  bgrpname
   <chr>         <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr>   
 1 420912030002… 42    PA     Penns… 42091 Montgo… 4209… 2030 (M… 4209… 2 (Trac…
 2 420912070013… 42    PA     Penns… 42091 Montgo… 4209… 2070.01… 4209… 3 (Trac…
 3 420912070013… 42    PA     Penns… 42091 Montgo… 4209… 2070.01… 4209… 3 (Trac…
 4 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
 5 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
 6 420710134002… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 134 (La… 4207… 2 (Trac…
 7 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
 8 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
 9 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
10 420710144022… 42    PA     Penns… 42071 Lancas… 4207… 144.02 … 4207… 2 (Trac…
# ℹ 421,535 more rows
# ℹ 33 more variables: cbsa <chr>, cbsaname <chr>, zcta <chr>, zctaname <chr>,
#   stplc <chr>, stplcname <chr>, ctycsub <chr>, ctycsubname <chr>,
#   stcd116 <chr>, stcd116name <chr>, stsldl <chr>, stsldlname <chr>,
#   stsldu <chr>, stslduname <chr>, stschool <chr>, stschoolname <chr>,
#   stsecon <chr>, stseconname <chr>, trib <chr>, tribname <chr>, tsub <chr>,
#   tsubname <chr>, stanrc <chr>, stanrcname <chr>, necta <chr>, …

Next I read in the main LODES data. This is a big file, so it takes a moment.

df <- read_csv("post_data/pa_od_main_JT00_2015.csv.gz", col_types = cols(.default = "c")) %>% 
  mutate(S000 = as.numeric(S000)) %>% 
  select(h_geocode, w_geocode, S000)

# A tibble: 4,961,712 × 3
   h_geocode       w_geocode        S000
   <chr>           <chr>           <dbl>
 1 420010303001089 420010301011013     1
 2 420410126001030 420010301011013     1
 3 421330217111050 420010301011013     1
 4 420010301011029 420010301011016     1
 5 420010301011063 420010301011016     1
 6 420010301011090 420010301011016     1
 7 420010302001079 420010301011016     1
 8 420010302001089 420010301011016     1
 9 420010304003043 420010301011016     1
10 420010307002014 420010301011016     1
# ℹ 4,961,702 more rows

Next I summarize the number of commuters per home-work tract combination. The original file uses census block codes, which are too granular for this analysis. I link the blocks to census tracts and aggregate to that level.

df_tracts_summarized <- df %>% 
  group_by(h_geocode, w_geocode) %>% 
  summarize(commuters = sum(S000)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

df_tracts_summarized <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  left_join(geo_crosswalk %>% select(tabblk2010, trct), by = c("h_geocode" = "tabblk2010")) %>% 
  rename(h_tract = trct) %>% 
  left_join(geo_crosswalk %>% select(tabblk2010, trct), by = c("w_geocode" = "tabblk2010")) %>% 
  rename(w_tract = trct)

df_tracts_summarized <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  group_by(h_tract, w_tract) %>% 
  summarize(commuters = sum(commuters)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

df_tracts_summarized <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  semi_join(allegheny_tracts, by = c("h_tract" = "GEOID")) %>% 
  semi_join(allegheny_tracts, by = c("w_tract" = "GEOID"))

This code removes rows where the commuter lives and works in the same tract.

df_tracts_summarized <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  arrange(h_tract) %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  filter(!(h_tract == w_tract))

This code finds the center of each tract, which I use as the nodes in the network plots.

allegheny_tracts <- allegheny_tracts %>% 

allegheny_tracts_centroids <- cbind(allegheny_tracts,
                                    st_coordinates(st_centroid(allegheny_tracts))) %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  rename(x = X,
         y = Y) %>% 
  select(GEOID, x, y)

This shows that the centroids correctly appear in the center of each tract.

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_point(data = allegheny_tracts_centroids, aes(x, y), size = .2)


First, I do some exploratory analysis of the number of commuters in/out per tract. Since we cannot join the census geography dataframe to the LODES data directly, I reverse engineer the process by splitting the data into separate “home” and “work” dataframes, and then joining the census geography dataframe to those dataframes.

df_home <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  rename(tract = h_tract,
         commuters_out = commuters) %>% 
  select(-w_tract) %>% 
  group_by(tract) %>% 
  summarize(commuters_out = sum(commuters_out))

df_work <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  rename(tract = w_tract,
         commuters_in = commuters) %>% 
  select(-h_tract) %>% 
  group_by(tract) %>% 
  summarize(commuters_in = sum(commuters_in))

This checks that there are no duplicate tracts in either dataframe:

df_home %>% 
  count(tract, sort = TRUE) %>% 
  filter(n > 1)
# A tibble: 0 × 2
# ℹ 2 variables: tract <chr>, n <int>
df_home %>% 
  count(tract, sort = TRUE) %>% 
  filter(n > 1)
# A tibble: 0 × 2
# ℹ 2 variables: tract <chr>, n <int>

This joins the separate dataframes back to the census geography dataframe:

allegheny_tracts <- allegheny_tracts %>% 
  left_join(df_home, by = c("GEOID" = "tract")) %>% 
  left_join(df_work, by = c("GEOID" = "tract")) %>% 
  replace_na(list(commuters_in = 0))

The tract with many more commuters “in” is downtown Pittsburgh.

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot(aes(commuters_out, commuters_in, label = NAME)) +
  geom_point() +

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = commuters_in), color = NA) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +

This shows which tracts have the most outflow of commuters:

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = commuters_out), color = NA) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +

The outflow of commuters tracks with the population of the tract, with some exceptions.

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  ggplot(aes(commuters_out, total_pop)) +
  geom_point() +

Downtown Pittsburgh dominates in terms of inflow vs. outflow differential.

allegheny_tracts %>% 
  mutate(diff = commuters_in - commuters_out) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = diff), color = NA) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c("Commuters in minus commuters out", direction = 1) +

Set up main graph

With the exploratory analysis done, I move on to the main task of making a geographic network plot where the nodes are the center of each census tract.

First, I set a minimum threshhold for the number of commuters flowing between two tracts. Then, I transform the df_tracts_summarized data into a tbl_graph object, which lets it be used for network analysis.

minimum_commuters <- 100

g <- df_tracts_summarized %>% 
  as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 74239 edges
# A directed simple graph with 1 component
# Node Data: 402 × 1 (active)
 1 42003010300
 2 42003020100
 3 42003020300
 4 42003030500
 5 42003040200
 6 42003040400
 7 42003040500
 8 42003040600
 9 42003040900
10 42003050100
# ℹ 392 more rows
# Edge Data: 74,239 × 3
   from    to commuters
  <int> <int>     <dbl>
1     1     2        73
2     1     5        22
3     1    64        15
# ℹ 74,236 more rows

The result is a list of two dataframes; one for the nodes, one for the edges.

This filters out the edges that do not meet the minimum threshhold.

g_main <- g %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  filter(commuters > minimum_commuters)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 360 edges
# A directed simple graph with 136 components
# Edge Data: 360 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1     4     2       143
 2    10     2       103
 3    11     2       142
 4    15     2       178
 5    16     2       101
 6    17     2       115
 7    18     2       284
 8    18   402       158
 9    19     2       136
10    19   402       117
# ℹ 350 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

This shows the edges with the most commuters:

g_main %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 360 edges
# A directed simple graph with 136 components
# Edge Data: 360 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1   122     2       552
 2    75     2       484
 3   125     2       440
 4    65     2       407
 5    79     2       393
 6   127     2       389
 7   253     2       385
 8   249     2       366
 9    62     2       361
10   228     2       361
# ℹ 350 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

This code sets the nodes for the graph at the center of each census tract and creates a manual layout that the network plot will use.

node_pos <- allegheny_tracts_centroids

manual_layout <- create_layout(graph = g_main,
                               layout = node_pos)
# A tibble: 402 × 7
   GEOID           x     y name        .ggraph.orig_index .ggraph.index circular
   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                    <int>         <int> <lgl>   
 1 42003010300 -80.0  40.4 42003010300                  1             1 FALSE   
 2 42003020100 -80.0  40.4 42003020100                  2             2 FALSE   
 3 42003020300 -80.0  40.5 42003020300                  3             3 FALSE   
 4 42003030500 -80.0  40.4 42003030500                  4             4 FALSE   
 5 42003040200 -80.0  40.4 42003040200                  5             5 FALSE   
 6 42003040400 -79.9  40.4 42003040400                  6             6 FALSE   
 7 42003040500 -80.0  40.4 42003040500                  7             7 FALSE   
 8 42003040600 -80.0  40.4 42003040600                  8             8 FALSE   
 9 42003040900 -80.0  40.4 42003040900                  9             9 FALSE   
10 42003050100 -80.0  40.4 42003050100                 10            10 FALSE   
# ℹ 392 more rows

Finally, this sets the parameters for the plot and makes the network graph:

legend_title <- str_c("Minimum: ", minimum_commuters, " commuters")

ggraph(manual_layout) +
  geom_sf(data = allegheny_tracts, color = "dark grey", fill = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = rivers, fill = "white", color = NA, alpha = .5) +
  geom_node_point(alpha = 0) +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(edge_width = commuters, 
                    edge_alpha = commuters),
                arrow = arrow(length = unit(.5, 'lines')), 
                start_cap = circle(.1, 'lines'),
                end_cap = circle(.2, 'lines'),
                color = "white",
                strength = .5) +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, 1.5)) +
  scale_edge_alpha_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, .8)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = NULL,
       title = "Where do people commute from/to for work?",
       subtitle = "Excludes within-tract commuters",
       caption = "Based on 2015 US Census LODES dataset | @conor_tompkins") +
  theme_graph() +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "light grey"),
        legend.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        legend.title = element_text(color = "black"),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))

Clearly downtown Pittsburgh attracts the most commuters. This is not surprising, but it obscures other job centers that attract employees.

Set up graph without downtown tract

This code filters out commuters that work downtown. Again, set a threshhold and filter on it.

minimum_commuters <- 100

g_filtered <- g %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  filter(commuters > minimum_commuters)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 360 edges
# A directed simple graph with 136 components
# Edge Data: 360 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1     4     2       143
 2    10     2       103
 3    11     2       142
 4    15     2       178
 5    16     2       101
 6    17     2       115
 7    18     2       284
 8    18   402       158
 9    19     2       136
10    19   402       117
# ℹ 350 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

This code goes into the network data and excludes edges that connect to the downtown tract.

filter_tract <- "42003020100"

selected_node <- manual_layout %>% 
  filter(name != filter_tract) %>% 

g_filtered <- g_filtered %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  filter(to %in% selected_node)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 103 edges
# A directed simple graph with 333 components
# Edge Data: 103 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1    18   402       158
 2    19   402       117
 3    20   402       101
 4    21   402       287
 5    21     5       132
 6    24   402       107
 7    32   402       131
 8    36   402       222
 9    37   402       159
10    50   402       158
# ℹ 93 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

This creates another layout for this plot:

manual_layout_filtered <- create_layout(graph = g_filtered,
                                        layout = node_pos)
legend_title <- str_c("Minimum: ", minimum_commuters, " commuters")

ggraph(manual_layout_filtered) +
  geom_sf(data = allegheny_tracts, size = .1, fill = NA, color = "dark grey") +
  geom_sf(data = rivers, fill = "white", color = NA, alpha = .5) +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(edge_width = commuters, edge_alpha = commuters
  arrow = arrow(length = unit(.5, 'lines')),
  start_cap = circle(.1, 'lines'),
  end_cap = circle(.2, 'lines'),
  color = "white",
  strength = .5) +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, 1.5)) +
  scale_edge_alpha_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, .8)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = NULL,
       title = "Where do people commute from/to for work?",
       subtitle = "Excludes within-tract commuters and commuters to downtown tract",
       caption = "Based on 2015 US Census LODES dataset | @conor_tompkins") +
  theme_graph() +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "light grey"),
        legend.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        legend.title = element_text(color = "black"),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))

Set up facted graphs

This code creates a faceted plot that focuses on the top 5 tracts in terms of commuter outflow:

minimum_commuters <- 5

top_work_tracts <- df_home %>% 
  arrange(desc(commuters_out)) %>% 
  top_n(5, commuters_out) %>% 

g_facet <- g %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  left_join(manual_layout %>% select(.ggraph.index, name), by = c("from" = ".ggraph.index")) %>% 
  semi_join(top_work_tracts, by = c("name" = "tract")) %>% 
  filter(commuters > minimum_commuters)

g_facet %>% 
  arrange(desc(commuters)) %>% 
# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 477 edges
# A directed simple graph with 237 components
# Edge Data: 477 × 4 (active)
    from    to commuters name       
   <int> <int>     <dbl> <chr>      
 1   122     2       552 42003409000
 2   125     2       440 42003412001
 3   127     2       389 42003413100
 4   192   202       311 42003453004
 5   150     2       300 42003426300
 6   192     2       294 42003453004
 7   125   402       241 42003412001
 8   192   190       209 42003453004
 9   192   189       180 42003453004
10   122   124       170 42003409000
# ℹ 467 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows
manual_layout_faceted <- create_layout(graph = g_facet,
                                       layout = node_pos)
manual_layout_faceted %>% 
# A tibble: 402 × 7
   GEOID           x     y name        .ggraph.orig_index .ggraph.index circular
   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                    <int>         <int> <lgl>   
 1 42003010300 -80.0  40.4 42003010300                  1             1 FALSE   
 2 42003020100 -80.0  40.4 42003020100                  2             2 FALSE   
 3 42003020300 -80.0  40.5 42003020300                  3             3 FALSE   
 4 42003030500 -80.0  40.4 42003030500                  4             4 FALSE   
 5 42003040200 -80.0  40.4 42003040200                  5             5 FALSE   
 6 42003040400 -79.9  40.4 42003040400                  6             6 FALSE   
 7 42003040500 -80.0  40.4 42003040500                  7             7 FALSE   
 8 42003040600 -80.0  40.4 42003040600                  8             8 FALSE   
 9 42003040900 -80.0  40.4 42003040900                  9             9 FALSE   
10 42003050100 -80.0  40.4 42003050100                 10            10 FALSE   
# ℹ 392 more rows
legend_title <- str_c("Minimum: ", minimum_commuters, " commuters")

ggraph(manual_layout_faceted) +
  geom_sf(data = allegheny_tracts, size = .1, fill = NA, color = "dark grey") +
  geom_sf(data = rivers, fill = "white", color = NA, alpha = .5) +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(edge_width = commuters, edge_alpha = commuters),
                arrow = arrow(length = unit(.5, 'lines')),
                start_cap = circle(.1, 'lines'),
                end_cap = circle(.2, 'lines'),
                color = "red",
                strength = .5) +
  facet_edges(~name) +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, 1.5)) +
  scale_edge_alpha_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, 1)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = NULL,
       title = "Where do people commute from/to for work?",
       subtitle = "Not including within-tract commuters",
       caption = "Based on 2015 US Census LODES dataset | @conor_tompkins") +
  theme_graph() +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "light grey"),
        legend.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        legend.title = element_text(color = "black"),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))

Zoom in on one tract

There also may be tracts of interest outside of the main commuter inflow/outflow tracts. This code creates a framework for filtering on commuters from a selected tract and zooming in on that tract.

Set the threshhold and filter:

minimum_commuters <- 15

g_filtered <- g %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  filter(commuters > minimum_commuters)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 5799 edges
# A directed simple graph with 11 components
# Edge Data: 5,799 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1     1     2        73
 2     1     5        22
 3     2     5        87
 4     2   402        75
 5     2     1        37
 6     2   202        35
 7     2    50        34
 8     2   163        33
 9     2     9        32
10     2   400        31
# ℹ 5,789 more rows
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

This code gets the commuter outflow data for one tract and creates allegheny_tracts_highlight, which will be used to highlight the tract of interest.

filter_tract <- "42003473500"

allegheny_tracts_highlight <- allegheny_tracts %>% 
  semi_join(df_tracts_summarized %>% 
              filter(h_tract == filter_tract), by = c("GEOID" = "w_tract")) %>% 
  filter(commuters_in > minimum_commuters)

Simple feature collection with 208 features and 5 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -80.36087 ymin: 40.20845 xmax: -79.70383 ymax: 40.67494
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
# A tibble: 208 × 6
   GEOID    NAME  total_pop                  geometry commuters_out commuters_in
 * <chr>    <chr>     <dbl>        <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>         <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 4200301… Cens…      6600 (((-79.98077 40.43836, -…           390         5470
 2 4200302… Cens…      3629 (((-79.9908 40.44442, -7…          1029        58444
 3 4200302… Cens…       616 (((-79.98062 40.45904, -…           415         7155
 4 4200304… Cens…      2604 (((-79.96802 40.4429, -7…           428        12340
 5 4200304… Cens…      2488 (((-79.94652 40.44508, -…           357          955
 6 4200304… Cens…      3694 (((-79.95497 40.4371, -7…           290         1817
 7 4200304… Cens…      2969 (((-79.94986 40.43443, -…           805         7822
 8 4200305… Cens…      2057 (((-79.96206 40.44863, -…           800          235
 9 4200307… Cens…      2197 (((-79.93137 40.45274, -…           769         1343
10 4200307… Cens…      2997 (((-79.92533 40.45499, -…          1367         1277
# ℹ 198 more rows
selected_node <- manual_layout %>% 
  filter(name == filter_tract) %>% 

g_filtered <- g_filtered %>% 
  activate(edges) %>% 
  filter(from == selected_node)

# A tbl_graph: 402 nodes and 17 edges
# A rooted forest with 385 trees
# Edge Data: 17 × 3 (active)
    from    to commuters
   <int> <int>     <dbl>
 1   233     2       286
 2   233   402        67
 3   233     5        46
 4   233   202        41
 5   233   229        40
 6   233   217        33
 7   233   189        28
 8   233   190        26
 9   233   218        24
10   233     3        23
11   233     1        22
12   233   234        21
13   233   249        21
14   233   241        17
15   233    50        16
16   233   163        16
17   233   375        16
# Node Data: 402 × 1
1 42003010300
2 42003020100
3 42003020300
# ℹ 399 more rows

Set the layout for the graph:

manual_layout_filtered <- create_layout(graph = g_filtered,
                                        layout = node_pos)
# A tibble: 402 × 7
   GEOID           x     y name        .ggraph.orig_index .ggraph.index circular
   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                    <int>         <int> <lgl>   
 1 42003010300 -80.0  40.4 42003010300                  1             1 FALSE   
 2 42003020100 -80.0  40.4 42003020100                  2             2 FALSE   
 3 42003020300 -80.0  40.5 42003020300                  3             3 FALSE   
 4 42003030500 -80.0  40.4 42003030500                  4             4 FALSE   
 5 42003040200 -80.0  40.4 42003040200                  5             5 FALSE   
 6 42003040400 -79.9  40.4 42003040400                  6             6 FALSE   
 7 42003040500 -80.0  40.4 42003040500                  7             7 FALSE   
 8 42003040600 -80.0  40.4 42003040600                  8             8 FALSE   
 9 42003040900 -80.0  40.4 42003040900                  9             9 FALSE   
10 42003050100 -80.0  40.4 42003050100                 10            10 FALSE   
# ℹ 392 more rows

This will be used to zoom in on the selected tract:

zoom_x <- manual_layout_filtered %>% 
  filter(.ggraph.orig_index == selected_node) %>% 

zoom_y <- manual_layout_filtered %>% 
  filter(.ggraph.orig_index == selected_node) %>% 

zoom_magnitude <- .25
legend_title <- str_c("Minimum: ", minimum_commuters, " commuters")

ggraph(manual_layout_filtered) +
  geom_sf(data = allegheny_tracts, size = .1, fill = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = rivers, fill = "white", color = NA, alpha = .5) +
  geom_sf(data = allegheny_tracts %>%  filter(GEOID == filter_tract), 
          fill = "grey") +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(edge_width = commuters),
                arrow = arrow(length = unit(.5, 'lines')),
                start_cap = circle(.1, 'lines'),
                end_cap = circle(.2, 'lines'),
                color = "red",
                strength = .5) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(zoom_x - zoom_magnitude, zoom_x + zoom_magnitude), 
           ylim = c(zoom_y - zoom_magnitude, zoom_y + zoom_magnitude)) +
  scale_edge_width_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, 1.5)) +
  scale_edge_alpha_continuous(legend_title, range = c(.1, .8)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = NULL,
       title = "Where do people commute from/to for work?",
       subtitle = str_c("From tract", filter_tract, sep = " "),
       caption = "Based on 2015 US Census LODES dataset | @conor_tompkins") +
  theme_graph() +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "light grey"),
        legend.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        legend.title = element_text(color = "black"),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"))

